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About "Through the eyes of a Londoner"

Hi all, I just wanted to write a quick note outlining the main objectives of this blog.
Basically, this is a blog about London through my eyes. I've lived in London all my life, walked the back streets, seen the hidden corners, discovered the hidden gems that the average visitor (or even resident) have never seen or even noticed.

This is a blog for Londoners and tourists alike (of particular value to tourists) as it is packed to the rafters with valuable, interesting, fascinating and exciting material. Throughout, I literally link to any resources that have a bearing on the posts that I've written, and also cross link my previous posts that have a bearing on what I've written. That way, you get as much information as you want and deserve in that particular subject.

Throughout, you'll notice some photographs that I've taken (and indeed, purchasable prints are available). All photographs featured are of London and are London related.

Finally, let me finish by welcoming you to this blog, and to extend an open invitation to come again. This project has certainly proved to be an exciting one for me, and should prove to be a project that would continue for quite some time as literally, London is so big and so full of hidden gems at every corner that I'm sure this blog could continue for some years to come.

Please be assured, this blog is regularly updated several times a week at least.

Got an idea or place in London that needs researching? contact me.


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